Discord Player

Using Shared Audio Player

Learn how to optimize resource usage by sharing same audio player across multiple queues

For music bots who basically broadcast same stream on all guilds, it is possible to share same audio player in order to reduce resource usage. Sharing audio player basically means using one single audio player for all queues.

Pros of using shared audio player

  • Less memory usage
  • Useful for radio streams or broadcasted streams
  • Saves bandwidth by using only one stream source

Cons of using shared audio player

  • Volume controls, audio filters are not independent
    • It means that if one queue updates volume, the volume will change for all other queues who are using this audio player
  • If the source panics, all the subscribers are affected
  • If not done properly, destroying one queue can end stream for all other queues

Setting Up

const { createAudioPlayer } = require('discord-player');
const sharedAudioPlayer = createAudioPlayer();
// apply audio player while connecting. If the audio player was already playing, this connection will also start playing the audio in sync
if (!queue.connection)
    await queue.connect(channel, {
        audioPlayer: sharedAudioPlayer,
// only play if it is the initial play req
// future subscribers will automatically receive audio without having to play a track
if (thisIsInitialPlayRequest()) {
    await queue.play(track, { queue: false });
// with player.play(), this is recommended for initial play only
await player.play(channel, query, {
    connectionOptions: {
        audioPlayer: sharedAudioPlayer,

With this setup, only one queue needs to initialize the player.

Performing commands such as pause(), play(), skip() etc will affect all subscribers since they all share same source.

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