Discord Player

Using Existing Voice Connection

Learn how to reuse existing voice connection for playing audio

If you are manually handling voice connections, you may want to use it instead of creating another one again. In order to use your own connection, follow these steps:

This feature is not currently supported with player.play(). If you depend upon player.play() for queue creation, you need to manually create the queue. You can then use queue.play() instead to achieve player.play() functionality.

joinVoiceChannel example

import { joinVoiceChannel } from 'discord-voip'
const connection = joinVoiceChannel(...);
const queue = await player.nodes.create(guild, {...});
// now use the queue
const { track } = await queue.play(query, { options });

getVoiceConnection example

import { getVoiceConnection } from 'discord-voip'
const connection = getVoiceConnection(guildId);
const queue = await player.nodes.create(guild, {...});
// now use the queue
const { track } = await queue.play(query, { options });

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